
Useful Links

Now Showing 16 - 25 of 25 Result(s)
Maine Public Employees Retirement System

To contact MainePERS for more information on your Maine State Retirement.

Maine Statute 1718-D Prohibition on Balanced Billing for Surprise Bills
MAP Services Available to You and your Family
MEA Retired

This website provides you with information and links for active teachers who are preparing for retirement. As an active teacher planning for retirement, or a retiree who is not yet a member of MEA-R, they want you to know the benefits of membership.

Medicare Advantage Educational Recording


Ready to Retire

Retirement booklet

Silver Sneakers Locations

As for current status of each location, we were attempting to track that and update the location finder with this information with the situation continuing to be ever evolving, we now have a note under each location that recommends the member contact the facility to learn more about their specific hours of operation and find out any additional safety measures that are taking place at the location so that they know what to expect.

Time Well Spent

Think of Time Well Spent as your own health library. It gives you materials and toolkits to help educate your employees on ways to improve their overall health and well-being. The site offers posters, articles, flyers and more to share information with workers on a variety of health topics. And best of all, you can use the information in Time Well Spent at no extra cost.

Time Well Spent’s resources include:

    Health articles
    Payroll stuffers
    Healthy recipes and cooking tips
    Materials in Spanish
    A complete health assessment promotional toolkit
    An easy-to-use calendar of wellness topics

When employees are healthy, they’re less likely to miss work days, be more likely to stay productive and be less costly than unhealthy employees. It’s a win-win-win for everyone!

To file a complaint with the Maine Bureau of Insurance
Your Rights & Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills

When you get an emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from surprise billing or balance billing.